Ensemble Theatre Presents: THE PRICE OF PROGRESS.
A Cleveland discussion around major themes in August Wilson's "RADIO GOLF".
Ensemble Theatre will present the award winning Radio Golf. The play will serve as a focal point of a project designed to create a community discussion around the themes present in the play: the costs of running for political office/campaigns, race, and the effects of gentrification on a community and its residents. Performances, talkbacks, writing workshops, and outreach activities will engage residents in a dialogue about how these themes relate to Cleveland and Cuyahoga County communities.
Sunday February 5th
- Post Show Talkback with the Cast and CEO of Karamu House, Tony Sias.
Saturday February 11th
- Post Show Talkback with Roland V. Anglin, Ph.D., Dean of the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs.
All Readings will start @7pm. (Locations will vary)
Monday February 20th (@Ensemble Theatre)
- Sag Harbor, Agnes Herrmann
- Special, Rannigan Walsh
- Soggy Sofa, Barbara Harkes
Wednesday February 22nd
- The Last Waltz by Jean Cummins
- Prospect (One Act), by Ann Cohen
- Moving In, Moving On by Cindy Dettlebach
Wednesday March 1st
- Heaven's Gate, Berenice Kleiman
- The Night in Question (One Act), Jonathan Jackson
- Punji Sticks, Vickie Williams
- Cue The Sunset (One Act), Joey Bauer