Dear Ensemble Enthusiast,

An old English proverb notes, “It’s an ill wind that blows no one any good.”

The Covid-19 pandemic is indeed an “ill wind” inflicting havoc on the arts sector across the nation. 
This includes Ensemble Theatre.

But there is also “good” that Ensemble can point to - and enlarge upon- during Covid with your financial  help!
For starters, we have secured our current home as an anchor tenant of the Coventry Peace Campus by  signing  a 15-month  lease with an option for a 99 year lease.

Although the building is “dark”, Ensemble is still making connections with you, 
our beloved theatergoers.

Every other Monday we Zoom and live stream three 10-minute plays, written by members of our local Stagewrights unit and performed by local artists. 
We are expanding our virtual open mic to include singer songwriters as well.

We also have plans to launch the following projects:

  • Commissioning an original world premiere play about Ruth Bader Ginsburg by a young Cleveland playwright.
    There will be staged readings of this work via the Internet, and finally a full, live  production, Covid-willing,
    in the 2021/22 or 2022/23  season.

  • An additional digital production to continue our “In Our Own Words” of two short plays by black playwrights,
    directed and performed by local artists of color. This is in collaboration with SumMedia Productions.

And finally, Covid-willing, live  productions of previously scheduled plays,
Bruce Norrris’s Clybourne Park, Eugene O’Neill’s Hughie, and Rajiv Joseph’s Describe the Night.

All these ambitious projects require funding and that’s why we are reaching out to you.
Please include us in your year-end giving to ensure the continued vitality and growth of Ensemble Theatre!
Stay Safe, Stay Healthy! We hope to see you soon!

With Warm Regards,

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  • You can also mail your check to :: Ensemble Theatre P.O. Box 181309 Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 ::
    Click HERE for a donation form PDF.

  • You can also make a donation with a card by phone. :: Dial 216.321.2930 ::