Dear Ensemble Patrons, Subscribers and audience members,
We haven’t forgotten about you and we don’t want you to forget about us!
Here are some updates as we navigate Covid’s Delta variant plus a new location for our award-winning productions: Our plan is to resume in-person theatre by January 2022. Meanwhile, during October, November and December, we continue working on streaming readings of short plays by local playwrights. (Specific dates TBA )
Also in November we plan to schedule some staged readings of select full length plays, also by local playwrights,
either virtually or in person. These readings will be FREE, although donations are always gratefully accepted.
In 2022, ticket sales will be to individual shows once they are announced. We will update you on how season passes will work at that time. Tickets purchased earlier for Covid-cancelled shows can be applied to upcoming productions in 2022
as can the unused portions of 2020-2021 season passes.
Finally, we hope you will include Ensemble Theatre in your End-Of Year Giving.
Live theater is more important than ever and your financial contribution continues to help Ensemble do just that.
To donate online go to or you can mail your donation to:
Ensemble Theatre
P.O. Box 181309
Cleveland Heights, 44118
Please note that Covid-19 is still present in our daily lives.
Even with an extremely effective vaccine it will take some time before theatre is “back to normal”.
Please continue to wear a mask and practice social distancing per CDC guidelines.
Please know plans are subject to change as the safety of patrons, artists and our community is our priority!
Stay tuned for more information soon on how to purchase a membership to support Ensemble during this unconventional new time for theatre!